We are bringing FIRST to Europe!

Robo'Lyon is...

An extraordinary humane experience

Passion – Commitment – Cooperation

A complete and dedicated team

Students – Mentors – Alumni – Kids

An innovation force and award winner

Parkinson’s disease – A concrete solution – Recovering mobility

A founder of FIRST France

Supported by the French government and companies

A knowledge transfer to youth

Highschool workshops – Presentations – 13 new teams 

A connection with the industrial world

Conferences – Exhibitions – Competitions

Community animation

Local & regional actions – Charity – Partners

A presence all over media

TV – Radio – Papers – Local – Regional – National


INitiated by robo'lyon

Since the beginning, we have always had the idea of bringing FIRST to Europe, in order to extend the FIRST experience to the largest number of students

Supported by the french industry

We have the support of the Employers Union, with many French companies like Dassault System, Ubisoft, Stawbli, Gonzales..

Sponsored By our government

We contacted our government, and we received their support. Our action is sponsored by our Minister of Industry

The launching : March 15th, 2022

D. Kamen & C. Moore participate in the launch of Robotique FIRST FRANCE

In the presence of the Minister Delegate in charge of Industry

2023: New teams

We are helping with the creation of new FTC and FRC teams

2024: The french FRC regional

We are building the first FRC Regional in Europe


French teams

80 highschools contacted all around the country

18 immediately interested in joining the competition

6 starting next year as FRC teams during a blank year

7 new FTC teams before 2023

5 more highschools following us during 2023 and begining in 2024

Présentation à une future équipe


With these new teams, we are planning on bulding an off-season event by the end of the year 2023

"I wanted to get involved again and help Robo'Lyon in its efforts because this association has given me a lot. Creating teams allows me to take on management responsibilities and also to pass on my knowledge to high school students. Finally, I think it is important that the values of FIRST are spread in France."

"The development of new teams in France is based on meetings with schools. That's why we do not hesitate to travel, meet teams and invite all the students and adults who wish to advance in the project to visit our premises"


Esther Durant, presenting robotics to youth

We want to inspire the largest amount of students. therefore. Therefore we often give presentations. For example, a member of our team gave a TedX conference in front of hundreds of people



We try to inspire as many students as possible to do STEM. Indeed, we regularly go to highschools in our region to organize workshops around science, technology and robotic

Mentor the kids


Members of our team mentor FLL teams. We give great importance to the transmission of what we learned from the FRC


Through AN ambassador

Hervé de Maillard

This year, we have a new Ambassador. He discovered us through an intervention we did, and he was immediately impressed. We benefit his huge network of companie's CEO throughout France

Through conferences

We went to the event "l'Entreprise du Futur" in July 2021 to present Robo'Lyon. It is an event that gathered around 700 CEO.

We presented the FRC at the industry festival organized by UIMM (=Union of Metallurgical and Mining Industries) in July 2021.

Through technological fairs

BIG 2021

We had our own space to the biggest entrepreneur fair in Europ :the BiIG 2021

We gave 2 interviews where we presented Robo'Lyon and FIRST in front of thousands of people. The event was broadcasted, and viewed by more than 19 millions people.

WorldSkills 2022

We presented our robot at he famous competition of the Wordldskills

Robo''Lyon was also present at the NAIA.R event

We learned a lot

A work method

Inspired by Agile methodology


Meetings several times a week

An organisation where everybody is responsible

A work method with small groups

A work follow-up with Trello

An iterative process with prototypes and tests

Weekly demos and progress updates

Hard skills !

About communication

Communicating on social networks

Creating and updating a website

Creating presentation materials

Finding sponsors

Making videos

Organizing events

About robots

Modeling parts on CAD

Using a CNC machine

Imagining a mecanism

Discovering electronics and pneumatic

Programming a robot

Driving a robot

Soft skills

Team work

Being tenacious and resisting pressure

Listening to and respecting others

Transmitting and sharing knowledge

Respecting commitments

Speaking in public

Writing and speaking in English


"I learnt a lot. It has helped me choose my path after graduation, travel, boost my self-confidence, make new friends. This experience has also allowed me to find internships."
" Robo’Lyon has allowed me to gain self confidence, to make fabulous memories and mostly to improve my English skills. It also gave me an opportunity to specialize in the communication field. I had to learn how to manage Robo'Lyon's workload on top of my high school studies. I have learnt how to be more thorough and I was introduced to graphic design."
Newbies training

Work on standard mecanisms

Negociations with partners
Discover the game of the year

Develop our strategy
Building Period
Imagine mechanisms

Design mechanisms

Make prototypes

Test our robot
Meet teams

Highlight our work

Share emotions

Maybe win...
Recruit new members

Help create teams

Organize our summer internship

Organize events with our partners

Promote First in France
All year round
Search for funds

Search for new partners