

Retrouvez l'historique de toutes nos publications.

Family Day at ELCIA

We have been invited by our sponsor, ELCIA, to their Family Day. This event allowed families from ELCIA to have a good time with their colleagues and children.

BIG Tour

For the first time, Robo'Lyon was invited to the BIG Tour 2022, where they could discover BPI France!

Viva technology

A few days ago, Robotique FIRST France invited us to Viva Technology and we are really grateful for this opportunity !

Lamartine Belley visiting us

We finally met a potential future French team from The Lamartine institute! We already knew them before because we managed to meet them by video conference few days before.

Arrival of Dassault Systemes

Dassault Systèmes company came to our local to present 3D Experience, a CAD software.