Every year we usually take the whole team to the competition, but this year is a bit special because of the health measures, so we won’t have that chance…
So we decided to split the team into two groups: one that will be on Chicago for the competition and another that will stay in Lyon to support the other members…
After consulting the team members, we came up with two lists: the first one includes all the essential roles for the competition, such as the drive team, robot experts and a captain.
The second list contains the essential positions in Lyon, like people in charge of the game strategy and members of the communication team. This group in Lyon will be essential as it will support the team on site! It will be able to continue the regular communication we have been doing until now!
We are gradually preparing for this event and are all looking forward to a week of competition that will undoubtedly be unforgettable for all of us!
Every year we usually take the whole team to the competition, but this year is a bit special because of the health measures, so we won’t have that chance…
So we decided to split the team into two groups: one that will be on Chicago for the competition and another that will stay in Lyon to support the other members…
After consulting the team members, we came up with two lists: the first one includes all the essential roles for the competition, such as the drive team, robot experts and a captain.
The second list contains the essential positions in Lyon, like people in charge of the game strategy and members of the communication team. This group in Lyon will be essential as it will support the team on site! It will be able to continue the regular communication we have been doing until now!
We are gradually preparing for this event and are all looking forward to a week of competition that will undoubtedly be unforgettable for all of us!

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VisibilitéPubliquePublier16 février 2022 12 h 00 minÉpingler en haut du blogEn attente de relectureAuteur/autriceadmin5407Alexandra SchneiderAlexandre HetetAnatole GETAScamille farudjaChloé Le BihanChristophe NazaretCloé PeyreFlorence SchneiderFrédérique FaussillonHadrien BRIFFAUXJEAN-MARIE NAZARETLéontin DesreumauxLoane GrasserMalia TescheMarion TeschePatrick BriffauxPéneloppe NazaretTeva PhilippeThéo DEMESYVictor DesreumauxMettre à la corbeille
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