Robot assembly

The competition is coming up fast… One robot is planned to be shipped to Chicago this Monday, March 21st.

The team is working hard in order to build the different mechanisms on the drivetrains of both our robots. Some parts had to be remanufactured and improved.

This has also allowed us to reduce the weight of our robot. Indeed, the weight is a restriction not to be ignored because if our robot is heavier than 56kg, we will be disqualified.

The size is also an important constraint to take into consideration because the mechanisms must not beyond 40cm from the drivetrain when deployed. This weekend, our goal is to finish both robots!

Next week, we will explain why driving the robot is so tricky and important.

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ROBO’LYON a remporté au moins un prix chaque année a déjà été qualifié 3 fois au championship a été fondé en 2015 comprend environ 40 membres