Laurent Behaghel

Laurent Behaghel, does this name ring a bell? In Robo’Lyon, it’s a well-known family name. The team has seen the Behaghel siblings grow up. First Pauline, a CAD specialist, in engineering school and currently doing an internship in Porto, then Yohan, in his first year of scientific studies, and finally Lena, in high school year this year, who is doing serious and quality work!

Our mentor Laurent has become (almost 😋) essential to the team in a few months. Together with JM, they take care of the technical field and supervise the robot. Laurent is adorable, he is committed to making us grow and contributes to the good atmosphere of the team.

He brought his expertise on various points: on the robot, on the organization of the workshop and even on the heating system. Indeed, he is the one who has the precious remote control that controls the heating system!! 😂

We are grateful for his investment and we hope that the Robo’Lyon adventure will continue for many years to come with the Behaghel family.

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