At Robo’Lyon, there is a group of 7 motivated, passionate and skillful girls!

Romane, Carla and Mina, in 10th grade, arrived at the beginning of the school year and have already found their feet!
Romane discovered CAD this year and is already very professional. She is interested in everything. What she likes most is to carry out her project in CAD: the conveyor! She is always ready to explain her work to others!

Carla is a great philosopher and knows how to support everyone in times of intense stress. She can get everyone’s attention like no one else when it comes to calling a “Daily Meeting”. What she loves about Robo’Lyon is CAD, but she also helped us find sponsors! She also participates the Walk Assistant project and works on the Technical Binder.
Mina has a talent for graphic design and works on the team handbook, as well as on the Walkassistant communication! She made the templates for our publications on social networks.

Malia and Camille, in 11th grade, are also part of the communication team of Robo’Lyon.

Malia writes articles and helped make templates. She contributed to the organization of the workspace. She also took charge of collecting donations for Secours Populaire. She is involved in the Walk Assistant project.
Camille likes to write and speak in English, which allows us to create links with other international teams. She loves photography, graphic design, video editing and she is always ready to talk about Robo’Lyon at fairs. She is currently working on the awards for the competition.

And finally, there are our most experienced members: Esther and Chloé, in their final year!

Esther loves mechanicals: give her some tools and let her handle it! She works on the robot and also helps to build the field elements. She is always willing to lend a helping hand!
Chloe is someone you can rely on. She writes articles in French and English for Robo’Lyon and for the Walk Assistant. For the past 2 years, her calm and her self-control have made her a great co-pilot!