Since the beginning of our project, experts from the medical world have played an important role in it.
These experts have given us many advices allowing us to continuously improve our walking aid system.
Indeed, different doctors from the neurological hospital of Lyon have approved the usefulness of our project and have given us advice on the shape our invention should have.

We also received advice from professors at the Lille CHRU on the placement of our system.
It is by crossing this different information that we decided to place our innovation at the level of the patient’s belt.
For a few weeks, we have been receiving reminders from these hospitals because they are really interested in our project.
Indeed, patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease are numerous but there are very few solutions to overcome their walking difficulties.
In the next few weeks, our main objective is to meet professors from hospitals in Lyon and Lille in order to present them with a first version of our walking aid.