The February vacations are always a highlight at Robo’Lyon because it is the only period when the team can be mobilized H24 on the robot. The rhythm of this year is certainly disrupted by the curfew of 18h, however the team remains mobilized on the 2 challenges. Here is the summary of the first week of vacations.
We started our our week with the gearbox. Our reverse gearbox is finally finished! We have solved all the technical problems such as weight, size, assembly/disassembly of the box… This new box allows our robot to go at 4m/s thanks to a 9:1 reduction.
Setting up the field for the “AT HOME” challenge.
The ground used for the different challenges is finished. The training can now begin!
The robot’s controllable base is operational!
Many tests and modifications have been made to make it run perfectly. We also added a second joystick for more precision!
We start machining our first prototypes!
Today, it is the shooter that is concerned. What’s the shooter ? It is the mechanism that propels the bullets to the target. It is composed of a wheel that drives the bullets and a motorized shutter for maximum precision. Following tests on the old shooter, we were able to identify areas for improvement and establish the CAD of this year’s shooter.
Despite problems the CNC is finally usable!
Today, we use the CNC to machine our first prototypes. The CNC makes it possible to make cuts in the wood with precision
to the tenth of a millimeter! Enough to create prototypes that come as close as possible to their design in 3D.
This weekend, we complete the prototype of the cylinder! The barrel is our conveyor, i.e. the mechanism that carries the bullets into the robot before they are fired to the target. The goal is to create a smaller barrel with three bullet compartments to optimize its space and efficiency.